I have spoken at various conferences including the American Alliance of Museums (2022) and Games for Change (video from 2020 here).

I’ve also taught as an adjunct professor at the Interactive Media Arts (IMA) and Interactive Telecommunications Programs (ITP) at NYU Tisch. Classes include:

Fundamentals of Multimedia Storytelling

People think in stories. They're how we make sense of the world. Professionally, it isn’t just artists who tell stories: activists, advertisers, and politicians all know that a compelling story can capture an audience in a way that arguments and statistics can’t. This graduate-level course introduces students to the fundamentals of narrative structure across a variety of media: written stories, movies, games, comics and graphic novels. Across these media, students will learn to identify the key elements that grab people's hearts and minds. Outside of class, students focus on developing one interactive and/or multimedia project inspired by a work we study in class.

Game Design & the Psychology of Choice

As designers we create systems and choices that can either prey upon our psychological foibles or help us avoid decision pitfalls. It is our responsibility to understand how we decide, to consider the ethics of the systems we create and to practice designing systems in a purposeful manner. Game Design & the Psychology of Choice provides interaction and game designers with an understanding of the factors that influence behavior and decision-making by examining and experimenting with game design.


This fast-paced introductory course provides undergraduate students with hands-on experience creating time-based and interactive media, including video, AR and games. Students study and discuss classic works of art, and key ideas in media theory.